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Lean in Circles 2023/24

Organisers: ‘Izzah Bte Abdul Jalil, Tonishka, Shuhan

Our Advocacy pillar is all about helping female undergraduates deal with the challenges they face in school and work. We're excited to keep running Lean In Circles this academic year, which are inspired by the global Lean In network. These circles are like friendly groups where female students in tech can chat about common issues.

As part of the Lean In Chapter/Network, we've set up three groups of 5-6 students. They meet every two weeks to help each other with personal and career growth. We do exercises that make you think about your goals and how to deal with school and work challenges.

Our main goals are to:

Create small, close-knit support groups for fellow students.

Make a safe place for you to share your goals and thoughts.

Build your confidence and push you to reach your goals.

Talk about the challenges women face in tech.

Our Lean In Circles have created a strong community of women at NUS School of Computing, and we're here to support your personal and career growth.

Over 50% of our participants like the topics we discuss and say the circles helped them with their goals and confidence.

We're excited to keep these circles going in the next semester, so more female students at NUS School of Computing can join the fun!


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