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WinTech Wonderland 2023!

During the December month-long holiday, Women in Tech @ NUS Computing initiated a pilot program to bring together like-minded women in NUS School of Computing to embark on projects.

With the aim of fostering collaboration and innovation, 54 aspiring women from NUS SoC came together, forming 14 teams that embarked on a diverse array of projects. These endeavors ranged from partnerships with volunteer organizations like Project Lilacs, Growth Collective SG, and the Multiple-Sclerosis Society Singapore to self-initiated projects aimed at exploration and growth.

Each team saw members supporting on another in honing skills in programming and project management, while also developing essential soft skills in communication and teamwork. Throughout this program, student mentors provided by the WiT@NUS Computing Exco team, offered support and guidance through weekly check-ins.

We would like to thank Project Lilacs, the Multiple-Sclerosis Society Singapore, and the Growth Collective for their invaluable collaboration, enriching our initiative with their diverse perspectives and shared commitment to making a difference.

In the closing phase of the program, successful teams were recognized with certificates of participation, symbolizing their dedication and achievement. Among the touching expressions of gratitude, Chen Le's heartfelt message to her mentors, Shuhan and Rachel, stands as a testament to the impact of this initiative:

"Dear Shuhan & Rachel,

Thank you so much for your heartfelt message and for taking the time to recognise my efforts in completing the WinTech Growth Collective project. It has truly been a rewarding experience to be a part of this pioneer run, and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to contribute to such a meaningful initiative.

Your words of encouragement mean a lot to me, and your support and guidance throughout the project were invaluable. Working with both the team and the external organisation was a fantastic learning experience, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have had such inspiring mentors like you.

I appreciate your commitment to improving the program based on our suggestions, and I am excited to continue my involvement with WiT @ NUS events in the future. 

Thank you once again for your support, encouragement, guidance and for making this experience truly memorable.

Looking forward to staying connected and continuing to learn and grow with the WiT community!

Warmest regards,

Chen Le"

As we reflect on this initiative, we are reminded of continuous improvement and look forward to bringing a revamped version of this initiative in the next December break!

Once again, thank you to all participants, organisations, and organizing team for making this program a success!

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