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IWD DigitAll 2023

On March 8th, 2023, on International Women's Day, the Centre for Computing for Social Good and Philanthropy (CCSGP) collaborated with Women in Tech@NUS SOC to host an inspiring event. This event was a celebration of women in technology and computing, shining a spotlight on their remarkable research and personal journeys.

The primary goal was empowerment, as we aimed to showcase women's accomplishments in various tech fields. By doing so, we sought to:

  • Introduce female role models to the audience.

  • Open up new and exciting paths for women in tech.

  • Increase visibility and awareness of the contributions of women in these fields.

  • Encourage attendees from diverse backgrounds to explore the vast possibilities within tech.

The event featured a series of enlightening talks, titled "Let's Get Technical," where accomplished women in tech shared their research and insights. Our distinguished speakers included:

Athira Sreedevi from Quantum Computing Lab, a third-year Ph.D. student at CQT, whose work focuses on probing and simulating Ultracold atoms in Optical Lattices.

Lingfeng Pei, a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore, under the guidance of Prof. Trevor E. Carlson.

Teodora Baluta, a Ph.D. candidate at the National University of Singapore (NUS), advised by Prof. Prateek Saxena and Prof. Kuldeep S. Meel.

Dr. Foong Pin Sym, Head of Design at Telehealth Core.

Wei Cui, a Ph.D. candidate at the National University of Singapore (NUS), also advised by Prof. Prateek Saxena and Prof. Kuldeep S.

Additionally, we featured insightful talks about personal journeys and pathways to academia, under the title "Many Journeys." Our esteemed speakers included:

Dr. Zhang WeiYu, Director of the Civic Tech Lab.

Dr. Michelle Ho, Assistant Professor of Feminist and Queer Cultural Studies and Principal Investigator of "Campus Sexual Misconduct in a Digital Age (CASMIDA)."

Ayesha Reezwana, an electrical engineer with a master's degree in computer science and engineering, currently working at CQT.

Purnima Dayanand Kamath, a Ph.D. researcher and co-founder of the Women Who Code network in Singapore.

This event provided an invaluable opportunity for female students within the School of Computing to explore the diverse fields within the technology sector. It allowed them to connect with female researchers and innovators, gaining valuable insights into both current tech research and the experiences of women in the field. Importantly, this event was open to male participants who were keen to learn and be a part of this inclusive celebration of women in tech.


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